Yep, I'm a few days early...but I am going in for foot surgery tomorrow morning and may be out of the loop (in other words loopy) for the next several days. New Years Eve in the AirmanMom home, will consist of Percocet, an elevated leg and quiet. It's all good. Finally, the Craziest of Sinus Infections is gone! After four weeks of being out for the count, I began to feel better a few days before Christmas! Somehow, shopping for the Grandgirls, wrapping gifts, stuffing of stockings and a great meal was done! John came home! Sadly, B did not. Marie was not able to join us, since she works night shift and had to work Christmas Eve. Kel and her three babies were here. Since there was a threat of a huge snowstorm, the Airman coming from Langley chose not to make the four hour drive (which was a very good choice, since his area got walloped!) John's girlfriend joined us.... so all in all, it was a very good Christmas!
To all who have ever served our Nation, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
For those who serve today, I pray for your constant protection.
...and for those who make the choice in the future to serve our Country, do it! Be strong and brave.
To all of you who read my Blog...I wish you and your families a New Year filled with many smiles, an abundance of good health and all the good stuff this life has to offer. May Twenty-Eleven be a good year for all!!!
May Almighty God Bless each and every Airman, Soldier, Sailor and Marine.

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December 29th Update....
I arrived at the Surgery Center at 7:30am, slipped into one of the stylin' hospital gowns and was invited to relax on a gurney. An IV was inserted into my hand (have I ever mentioned how much I detest needles?) and then the waiting began. I met the Anesthologist, asked the surgeon how he was feeling and waited longer. The nurse informed me there was a delay. Uh-huh. Turns out, they ran out of pins for my foot. The pins were to be sent 'over-night' but failed to be delivered...someone was sent to the local hospital to grab a few. The hospital only had one left. At which point my surgeon told me he felt it best to postpone the surgery until next week. Doc also mentioned he wanted me to have a 'lower extremity arterial evaluation' since my feet are extremely cold all the time and the pulse at my ankle bone is very weak. So...I'll have the evaluation done on Thursday and we will try to get surgery done next Wednesday. Mr. AirmanMom and I planned on a quiet New Years Eve... we'll keep the plans the same. Happiness to all of you!!!!