That being I was waiting to welcome Chief home the other day, I chatted with another Blue Star Mom, Debbie. She is a member of Any Soldier, I'm a Soldiers Angel, we both are dedicated to mailing letters and packages to our warriors while they are deployed. She is one cool lady, with two of which is a member of the U.S. Army!
Debbie introduced me to Operation Baghdad Pups. She donated a large crate, so that a Soldier's puppy could be flown to the States. Of course these pups are only flown home during the winter months. There is time to make a donation, if you too are an animal lover. Debbie also told me of two books she read recently, of military dogs. The first book is actually a children's story, but I was given a tissue warning..."Nubs the Dog". The other book is titled, "Saving Cinnamon". I'll go ahead and post these books up for discussion on my "Book Group Blog" (see right sidebar). Debbie is one cool lady, who I am so very grateful to have met and continue to chat with at OWH!
I had to take this opportunity to repost my favorite photo of MudPuppy...yes, his blog is public once again so do stop by and say hello! For those of you wondering who is MudPuppy...he is my SoldierSon who I happened upon almost two years ago by reading his blog. He deployed to Afghanistan for a year, returning home last August. If you have not yet had the honor of reading his words, I do encourage you to do so.

May Almighty God Bless each and every Airman, Soldier, Sailor and Marine.
May God Bless those who touch the life of a Soldier, while they serve our Nation.
I stopped by with a note to Mud Puppy, thanks.
I took a look at the books and they look fun. I'll see if I can get them. The photo of Mud Puppy is great.
sarge...I thank you!
bag blog...I look forward to reading your comments on the books. I agree, it is a great photo of MudPuppy!
Always a pleasure reading your blog AM. I can tell your posts come from the heart whether about a puppy or a people.
Hope this finds the family fine.
Pops's so good of you to stop by! Thank you! I do wish you a Happy New Year!
I just wanted to share a pic of you with the company dog from jims deployment Fergie.. they sure do put smiles on the guys faces.. i guess it dont work to leave it on a comment though i have it on my blog for today though.. i thought that operation baghdad pups was neat and wonder if that is where fergie came from. I also used to be involved with soldiers angels though i now have my husband who is a soldier of my own lol.
raising 7...I'm on my way to your blog to see your photos! Thanks again to your husband for his service and a warm thanks to you as well!
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