Not a good combo...
Surgery went well on Wednesday morning...that is after the fourth try to get an IV started. Yep...two nurses couldn't insert the IV properly, so it was decided to let the anesthesiologist give it a try. He had to insert the needle in the inside of my lower arm (I'm sure that area has a name, but the Percocet is keeping my mind from any form of extensive thinking). He flubbed it, at which point the surgeon joined the unexpected IV Party and asked how he could help...I asked if the offer was for the doc or for me (with tears running down my face-I just don't do needles well). The anesthesiologist found another good vein, the surgeon held my hand and finally we were ready to roll into the operating room! Yay!
Several hours later, I was on my way home! Yay! Crutches and a Surgical Boot which keeps my foot at an angle, so that my toes bear none of my body weight. Steps are not fun. Dressing is not fun. Showering is taboo for two weeks. And to think I chose to put myself through this??? yikes. My brother-in-law, Phil who suffered his 7th heart attack on Christmas called to see how I am doing (can you believe this guy???) I asked for Sponge-Bath suggestions... he told me they simply suck. Okay. He did suggest a product called Comfort Bath Wipes, which hospitals use for sponge baths and they seem to work. So, enough about my hygiene habits or lack thereof until I feel better. Nausea has become my bosom buddy. Not sure if it is the meds or the pain...but I will say that Brown Rice, Ginger Ale and Black Cherry Jell-O seem to keep me feeling the best I can...all things considered.
So what does AirmanMom choose to do while feeling dizzy, and icky...let's change the blogger layout. I botched it...so I have a temporary template. When I am feeling better, I will take some time and figure out the html's and other fun stuff which percocet is not allowing my mind to think clearly enough to figure out right now!
Enough whining... I am grateful for my Hubster who takes excellent care of me. I was serenaded by my Grandgirls yesterday afternoon on the phone yesterday afternoon... they sang "You Are My Sunshine" which was the sweetest sound in all the world. Prayers and calls from friends have been so deeply appreciated. And I do thank God that I live in this Blessed Nation... we have skilled surgeons and health care which provides a speedy recovery. Simply the fact I know I will recover, is a blessing in itself.
Thanks for reading...however if you did not make it to the end of this post, no worries...this is one of those posts which I write as a reminder to myself for that 'one day' when I choose to reflect on this surgery. Good health is one of our richest blessings.
If I couldn't take my shower everyday, I would go nuts. Hot showers are one of my favorite things in a life that is running out of favorite things. All I can say is that only time and you doing what you are suppose to do will make it better. But you are a trooper…you can do it.
When you redesign your site, will you move your music thing more toward the top? I am not smart enough to read and listen to the music at the same time. Kinda like doing round circles on top of your head with one hand and doing up and down motions on your belly at the same time. Just can’t be done. So I have to scroll way down to turn it off before I have to scroll back up to read. Wish I was smarter, but, well, I ain’t.
Hugs, AM!
I am pleased that things went well, i can relate to your nurse, I had one stick me 5 times before I told her to find someone who know how to insert an IV.
there is a produtct cast protector that will cover your boot and keep it dry while you shower.they are not fun to put on or take off but a clean bady is worth the effort.Get well soon.
I am saying a prayer that you get well soon! There are waterless soaps and shampoos available, and you can get them at a medical supply store. Hubby had to help wash me and my hair for quite a while after my knee replacement! Meds and pain will mess up your tummy. If you can't keep food down very well after a few days, you may need a change of meds. The anesthesia takes several weeks to clear out of your system and you will continue with "brain fog" for a while! Just let your hubby wait on you hand and foot, OK?!
I am so glad to hear you are home and everything went well, you poor thing, what was up with the IV tries? I have always been amused at OR pre-op instructions, nothing by mouth after midnight, so you go in dehydrated and then they have to stick you several times to get an IV...
next time tell them to use an ultrasound! It is so much easier than sticking you 5 times.
Take care, percocet may be upsetting your stomach, try to take it with food...
This color reminds me of Pepto Bismol and is not suitable for a military Mom hahahahahaha!
I hope you feel better soon hon and sorry about the needles :(
Sending get-well-soon prayers your way
I do not envy you the IV thang. I once had two nurses poke me several times in each arm, collapse the veins in my hands and finally decide to call in paramedics. I had hyperventilated by this time and was telling my husband to "get them (nurses) out of here!"
Having the grandgirls sing sounds wonderful. I hope you get healed soon.
where have I been??? I didn't know about the surgery..so sorry. I have the same vein problem...had 4 pokes today just for a tube of blood, and IV would be too much to take! Glad you are home safe and getting good advice! Take care, take the perc and get some rest...j
Keep healing!
and, I had to play around with the Blogger template thingy for awhile,too, and I Wasn't on Percocet at the time,lol, so kudos to you for trying while medicated:)
Airman mom -
I feel your pain- had a nurse anesthetist miss my veins 3 times- finally the surgeon started my line- all the while he told he- you screwed up- Karyn is a trauma nurse- she could probably start her OWN line.......
if you had surgery only on your foot try a bath (with help) while keeping your foot sticking out of the tub.
percocet must be taken with food or it will make you sick as a dog. try eating a couple pieces of bread every time you take one. milk too if your stomach can handle it. otherwise you shoulnd't still be nauseas from surgery. Of course, by now you might just be all better! I'm late getting around to everyone.
heal well friend
i'm a little late in my get well wishes... i haven't been around your blog for awhile. i hope you're making a great recovery! i had surgery 2 years ago.. i understand!
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