I went back and forth, round and round....
How do I make this announcement???
Am I happiest that John is getting married, or happiest that our family is gaining another daughter? ...or am I happiest that Grandbaby #5 is on the way and it looks like (with 93-97% certainty) my first GrandBoy is coming into the world???
Truth is...my heart is just overflowing with joy for all three events!
So allow me to introduce the newest soon-to-be member of our family, Di.
John met this angel quite a while ago, on a camping trip. She is stationed at Wright-Patt, and I believe I had mentioned she was 'Stateside Deployed' at Andrews AFB for six months last year. Di spent Christmas with us, and a couple random weekends. She is as cute as a button, smart, determined, strong-willed and let me tell you this young lady sings like an angel. She is walking sunshine! From the moment we met, I knew I liked her...and I knew she was THE ONE for my son, John. The more time they spent together, I could hear in his voice how much he loves her...and how much he truly likes her! In countless conversations with Di...I have heard how much she loves, respects, encourages and truly likes my son! She has told me many times how John just makes her smile, and the song, "Smile" by Uncle Kracker is a song which makes her think of him. Please pause my playlist on the sidebar and smile for a moment while listening to a song which makes my heart very happy...just the thought of John and Di making each other smile!
May Almighty God Bless the marriage of this young couple.
May Almighty God Bless the sweet gift of a little one.