Byrnes Michelle, a US army soldier from te HHB 3-7 Field Artillery Regiment 3rd Bct 25th ID, scans the eyes of an Afghan man with an Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) during a mission in Turkham Nangarhar bordering Pakistan on September 28, 2011. Turkham is a border crossing town in the Nangarhar province of Afghanistan and the Khyber Agency of Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas. A decade of fighting in Afghanistan has since snowballed into a huge effort involving around 130,000 foreign troops from dozens of countries, with the resilient Taliban using homemade bombs and guerrilla tactics in a bid to undermine the Afghan government and the NATO mission.
source: militaryphotos.net
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Friday posts are random photos of our Soldiers.
We must remember each and every Airman, Soldier, Sailor and Marine have a face.
Our brave Heroes have familiy and friends who love them so.
What a beautiful young lady!
Thank you, for posting these.
bag blog... thank you for stopping by.
kathi...thank you for taking the time to read of our heroes!
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