I went over the mountain on Tuesday morning, anticipating the arrival of my newest grandgirl. It was a snowy morning and as predicted it turned to sleet later in the day. Marie was relieved when I arrived, everything was now in place. Marie was feeling 'weird', there was a new moon and a storm. The perfect scenario for a baby to be born on her due date. As the afternoon progressed, the 'weird' feeling diminished. Marie called work to see what was going on the OB Floor..turns out all the nurses called out (decided not to go to work) Marie felt she could not leave one nurse on the floor, so my son-in law drove her to work. Before Marie left for work, she commented on how she wished she could be a fly on the wall...witness her mom and her husband hanging out all evening. If I say so myself, I am a good mom-in-law to both of my son-in-laws. I love both of these men, I respect they are my daughter's husband and I respect their homes. It is my desire to always be invited back, so I make certain not to cause trouble...well kinda. (My girls and I can be silly and do goofy things...no malice aforethought, most of the time). I digress... I was able to take a picture of Marie, as she was ready to leave for work. 40 weeks pregnant and she is one of two nurses who shows up. Julie was the other nurse, who needless to say was most concerned she would walk into the nursery and find Marie in labor. Marie assured her since she was already at work, she would deliver her daughter and return to work immediately. Can't leave the floor short-staffed. Well, that was her sense of humor on Tuesday....today, she is now two days past her due date and the world is not as funny. In fact, it truly stinks to be my baby girl today as she waits for her baby girl to arrive. I am home once again, waiting for my telephone to ring, so that I can get over the mountain and be with my daughter; as she meets her daughter for the first time! Marie sees the midwife on Friday morning, hopefully we get some good news! The picture is Marie as she is leaving for work on Tuesday, to me she is absolutely stunning.
Marie is not the only one waiting... John was to take his CDC test, but due to the storm the base was closed. He is not certain when it will be rescheduled. Such a disappointment, he has be preparing for this day for months now...he must wait a bit longer.
I pray for both of my children, as they wait for huge moments in their lives.
May Almighty God bless Marie as she waits full of excitement and anxiety for the birth of her baby.
Hoping that little girl makes a showing soon! Waiting is soooooo very hard.
Hallie :)
hallie...thank you for your words of understanding!
Sounds like the kind on nurse I want taking care of me. DEDICATED! Did you ever notice, waiting always takes a long time.
Hey, did you pull your comment @ ETS?
pops...waiting does take too long! truly, Marie is an amazing nurse...although she did call out tonight, too exhausted. It surprised me the baby did not arrive, truly I did not expect to come home until my third grandgirl was born!
I did pull my ets comment, I felt I rambled. I need to repost!
She is gorgeous.
As your blog reader, I am anxious to hear about your new grand baby as well. She's going to have the best family surrounding her :)
All my love and prayers!
Praying for those two girls..One is smiling large and the other is warm and comfy! How exciting! I have no daughters and son that is not married.......Sigh!!!!!!! I am waiting.........
The last few weeks of pregnancy is just the longest!! For everyone!
I can't believe she is still working ~ she is doing fantastic!
Amanda x
HL...thank you for your sweet words!
denise...your kind words are deeply appreciated!
amanda...you are correct...these days and weeks are long for the entire family! Every time the phone rings, I hope it is my Marie in labor!
I remember my wife looking like that and she looked great too. I hope everything comes out good( no pun intended). Good luck and keep us informed.
citizensoldier...God willing, I will be in the room when my grandgirl is born. Thank you for your kind wishes and words!
That is one BEAUTIFUL lady in waiting. Waiting on another beautiful lady to arrive. I am amazed at how dedicated she was to go on to work, it does help the time to pass however. I want to thank you for coming over and visiting. You are such a kind person, thank you for being a part of my life via the net. You always enrich my day!
So happy for all of you, the waiting is the hardest but the rewards are well worth it.
Sign me Laura, A Military Mom
First off, you're not the only one that sees how stunning she is! She looks amazing!
Secondly, I'll be sending up prayers for all of you...hoping that things come quickly and go smoothly for you, her and her!
Hang in there!
lisa...your kind words are so very sweet, thank you!
laura... amen!
rll...it is always so nice to read your comments, thank you!!!!
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