My blog has been somewhat ignored recently, but for very good reason.
Her name is "Belle".

My daughter gave birth to her third daughter on September 16th. I've been helping out as much as needed, and loving each moment! Belle entered the world weighing 6 pounds, 9 ounces and she is 19.5 inches long. Her two older sisters, Precious and Bright-Eyed-Beauty are THE best big sisters in all the world! The littlest one, is such a sweet baby. God is good!
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Our little Angel is beginning to crawl! She is already 7 months old...time travels far too quickly. We had a blast last weekend, with all four grandgirls together! Angel, her mom and I went to the Poolesville Day celebration. The town's main road is closed down the entire day for the festival. The music was great and we can't wait to take Angel next year, when she will be able to enjoy the ponies! Oh, did I mention the super yummy Crabcake sandwich for lunch???
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AirmanMom celebrated another birthday earlier this week. You know you are old, when your own mother can't believe how old you are! Geez! I spoke with my GodMother on my birthday and she kept asking if I was certain that I was that old. It was an awesome day, a scrumptious dinner prepared by Hubster with Cold Stone cupcakes for dessert. I spoke with all four of my children and the two biggest grandgirls sang Happy Birthday to me. At work, one of the guys brought in a Tres Leches cake from a wonderful bakery...and it was his day off! One of the ladies even baked cookies and she loves the kitchen about as much as I do!!! I am so blessed to have so many kind people in my life, I am so very grateful for every one of them!
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So far the month of September has seen the loss of over 30 soldiers. Since October 7, 2001 over 4,700 soldiers have paid the ultimate price in Iraq and Afghanistan. We must never forget that each and every one of these Airman, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines have families at home with a hole in their heart. We must never forget these service members...never!
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Last week I was told by my oldest son, that he has volunteered to deploy to Afghanistan early next year. Gulp. My youngest son informed me a couple weeks ago, that he is waiting for a Quick Deployment order. The opportunity arose at the beginning of the month, another Airman took the order... Gulp. Heavy Duty KneePads will be needed, if both my sons are deployed at the same time!!! I'll be looking for some prayer warriors!!!
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Autumn has officially arrived!!! It is my favorite time of year. The cooler temps are perfect for working outside all day and sleeping at night. Nothing quite like crispness in the air. Nothing quite like watching children run through a pumpkin patch or the aroma of warm apple cider. Nothing quite like the leaves taking on so many vibrant colors. Hubster and I went to the Shenandoah Hot Air Balloon Festival last fall and we plan to go again this year. Spectacular colors! How Great God is, to give us so many wonderful gifts...stimulating all our senses!
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My Blog should resume to 'normal' one day soon. I'll try desperately to catch up on my blog reading as well.
May Almighty God Bless each and every Airman, Soldier, Sailor and Marine!!!