Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Talking Tuesday

"And that's the way it is"

Oh, how I long for the days of Walter Cronkite! I remember as a kid, watching the CBS Evening News. For half an hour each evening, we would learn of the world's events. We cried when President Kennedy was shot, we were in awe during the Apollo 13 adventure, and of course there were the daily Vietnam updates.

Let's fast forward to Twenty-Ten. Cable news goes on and on 24 hours a day. The World Wide Web allows us to never miss a beat. Whoever breaks the story first, earns the best ratings. Sensationalism first, facts second. Welcome to the world we have created.

What is all of this overflow of information doing to our minds and our hearts?

I turned the local news on this morning, to check on the weather. (as you may recall, I work at a garden center) As I was pouring a cup of coffee, I caught the words "A plane went down in Afghanistan". That's it? Nothing more? Go to a commercial break? Does anyone think of the mom in her kitchen pouring a cup of coffee, knowing her son is over there? I run upstairs, take a quick shower (because I don't know if there will be a knock on my door). Hubster could hear the concern in my voice, when I asked him to look online for the plane crash in Afghanistan. He assured me it was an Afghan domestic flight and there was absolutely no way B would be on that plane. He asked if I was OK, I said 'no'. We hung up, I finished getting ready for work.

I know, I know...my son is fine. I'm ever so grateful. It's sad to hear of the plane crash and possible loss of life. Are we really better off, with all this technology and knowledge? What is happening to our hearts and minds?????

Your turn....


Mike Golch said...

I miss the days of yore as well.I miss (Uncle) Walter Cronkite as well.I really miss the simpler time.

Sarge Charlie said...

You deserve a hug today, this one is for you (((((hug)))))

LC said...

yes a Hug is in order, and just so you know, the military never releases information like that until they notify families, but I don't watch the news because of stuff like that.

Jeanne said...

I cannot tell you how many times I screamed at my computer, tv, radio for having leading headlines like that and then having to wait and search all over for the details. You spend what seems like eternity feeling like you're going to throw up. You have a huge virtual hug coming from Chicago and lots of good wishes. Just keep reminding yourself that B will be on U.S. soil soon and I guarantee that you will start walking around with a sh*t eating grin on your face for the rest of the day.

TheAlbrechtSquad said...

Each time my husband was deployed, I avoided the news and encouraged my spouses and family members in my Family Readiness Group to limit their time with it too. It can be overwhelming. I had a father who had a google alert set for anytime Baghdad came in the news in relation to a Soldier, I got calls nearly every day from him until I finally had to snap (nicely) that he was driving us all crazy.

It's a blessing and a curse. I lived over 5 years going through anticipatory grief, relief and guilt, that cycle was vicious.

(((((HUGS)))) to you!

MightyMom said...

I don't know if you know Infantry Dad. when his son was in Iraq he had to completely quit watching all news. which is HUGE for him.

every time any word came about a crash or tragedy it was always shown on CNN (or whichever) with the words "names held pending family notification". tore the man up. I realize it's easy for me as I shy from TV anyways, but truly...no news is good news in my book.

MightyMom said...

LC, I wish that were still true...but it isn't. our 24/7 news "if it bleeds it leads" media doesn't wait to tell of a tragedy till the family is notified....they just won't tell NAMES till the family is notified....which is somehow worse in my opinion.