Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Talking Tuesday

In the Sunday edition of the Washington Post, I saw a photo of a Cadet graduating from the U.S. Military Academy. This Cadet was saluting President Obama. I am fully aware that the President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of our military. But I questioned whether or not he deserves this salute. Please hear me out...this is NOT a political stance. My point is this: should some sort of military experience, be mandatory in order to become the Commander in Chief? Should our President, know the military lifestyle in some capacity? Is not the best of leaders, one who command respect because once upon a time he was Recruit, a Plebe or a Private? President Clinton and President Obama are the only two Presidents who have no military service, since Franklin D. Roosevelt.

I go back to last summer, when Hubster and I were enjoying our 'Bucket List Vacay'. We were in Pittsburgh, waiting for the Pirates to take on the Nationals. Prior to the game starting, several young men and women entered the field wearing familiar navy blue tee shirts with an Air Force logo. These young people were days from taking off to Lackland AFB for BMT. The audience had the honor of watching them as they took their enlistment oath. There were some guys standing in front of me, taking the oath along...making a mockery of it. (I do NOT solemnly swear, etc.) As soon as the oath was finished, I sprang to my feet, clapping and hollering a "Thank You" from the top of my lungs. One of the guys turned to me and asked if one of the kids on the field was mine...I told him these young warriors belong to all of us, and yes I do have two sons serving in the Air Force. He bought another beer from the vendor and settled in to watch the game. Later on, this same guy walked by me and saluted and then he thanked me for my son's service. At the time, I know I blushed and truly did not feel I deserved that salute. Under no circumstances will I ever deserve a salute...but perhaps my commitment to the military life is a bit more than our President.

I ask this discussion not become ugly... It is not meant to be a political discussion, it is truly my curiosity of should a non-service member serve as our Commander In Chief.

Your turn............


Sarge Charlie said...

It is not meant to be a political discussion, it is truly my curiosity of should a non-service member serve as our Commander In Chief.

I took your last sentence and put it on top of my comment, I will try to comply but holy crap, some missions are impossible.

Let me start with Clinton, during his days of avoiding the draft he wrote a letter explaining that he loathes the military, yet he wound up as commander in chief. Most of the military folks were not comfortable with him, his staff said things like why are people in uniform in the White House. He used the military as a toy, to try cover up his on personal problems, these things are not conducive to a high state of moral which is necessary for an effective fighting force.

President Obama is all together different, his duty as commander in chief appears to be a nuisance to him. We are fighting a war on two fronts with folks that want to kill Americans, his administration chooses not to identify it as a War, what the hell is an “Overseas Contingency Operation”? Young men are dying or being mutilated, and this man (who I think is worse than Clinton on this matter) has a dislike for America, I am amazed that our troops continue to function under his leadership.

Should a President have military experience, yes, but if not he should be ready to rely on the wisdom of the Joint Chiefs of Staff without question.

Coffeypot said...

Well said, Sarge. The boy's salute to you was just showing respect (as a salute is intended) to you for standing up and showing your pride. As for Obama, no one related to the military, except for MOH winners, who receive salutes upon arrival anytime, and where, deserves a salute in civilian clothes. Especially him.

Bag Blog said...

Personally, I like a President with some military background to his resume. It would definitely make him a better Commander in Chief, but it wouldn’t necessarily make him a good President.

MightyMom said...




no, the commander in cheif should know what the F he's commanding......

I'm leaving now before I say anything more.............

christian soldier said...

bho refused to place his hand over his heart during the National Antherm-he has shown the he hates this Republic--
Our BEST salute him because of the 'office' --it still brings a Grrrrrr-when I see them salute this Alinsky ite--
Like MM-I'll say no more!

christian soldier said...

because they are ordered to do so---
Sorry-didn't finish the thought...