Today, one of us, became the Vice-Presidential Candidate for the United States! Yep, A Blue Star Mom is on the Republican ticket. This is an awesome moment. Her oldest son, Track enlisted in the Army on September 11, 2007 and will deploy on September 11, 2008 for Iraq. She is one of us.
Ok, Ok...I have no intention of taking this blog in a political direction...I'm not out to offend anyone. Truly, it matters not party affiliation. What does matter is to see a fellow Blue Star Mom out there to make such a difference in our world. It is a moment of pride, excitement and just a moment to say, "Wow"!
Just makes her EXTRA special!
Hallie.. you have that right! Inconceivable!
all political preferences aside, we moms have to stick together! I pray her son stays safe.
AWESOME blue star mom!
If any one is offended by your post they must be from another planet. Bragging rights to you and all the Blue Star moms!
tonja... You're right on! Every single airman, soldier, sailor and marine NEEDS our prayers! Thank you!!!!
Pops...thank you for stopping by again and your words of encouragement! I noticed a picture of Sarah Palin wearing her Blue Star Pin in the paper the morning. Simply awesome!
Im really excited about Palin..
N8...Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Truly, it is an amazing moment for all Blue Star Moms!!!!
I'm excited too. MeCain is taking a gamble since she's an unknown to the nation, and that he's only had a few meetings with her, but I like the choice. It's a very political move on his part, but that's the business he's in - you can't make the impact you want unless you get elected.
Rick...Thank you for stopping by! Your blog is too much fun! Thanks for sharing!
Hello from Oklahoma, and thank you for stopping by my blog. I have found since I have started blogging that I tend to be very out spoken and not everyone agrees with me!!! I just can't believe that! ha...but as a police officer of nearly 22 years I can be very out going, controlling, and sometimes judgemental. Things are either right or wrong. Pretty much that simple in my little world. so I have started trying to not be so....opinionated all the time? I have very stong opinions in religion and politics, I am very conservative, and I am very strong in my beliefs. So I am very glad YOU posted your thoughts about the VP nominee. I did not know anything about her, but I have been impressed since hearing her speach last night. I am anxious to see how she does in the VP debate, how she holds her own against the old timers/professional politician.
My nephew is in Iraq right now, hopefully will be home in the next couple months after being there for nearly a year. His mom is a Blue Star Mom too. I can not begin to understand how a mother must feel having a "child" there serving this country in time of war. Thank you for taking the time to put together such a lovely blog site, and your dedication to it. It has been a pleasure meeting you via the internet. Until we meet again, good night!
Lisa...allow me to begin by saying Godspeed to your nephew! My prayers are constantly lifted to all the brave men and women who serve our country. Each and every one of them deserve to be heavy in our thoughts and ever present in our prayers.
Your kind words of my blog truly are appreciated...truly, it began as therapy... how is a mother expected to say "see ya later" to her baby...yes, I have three older children who "flew the nest"...but this is my baby...for some reason a baby is never to leave his mother...but he did. That is the plan. I now it...I'm simply in denial..thus this blog.
As for Sarah Palin...awesome!
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