Tis True, I have posted on this Wednesday, and here I am again...
John's Latest - he completed his two weeks of FTAC, was to return to work last Monday...only to discover he had been assigned to what is affectionately known as "Bay Orderly". Being a Maryland native, one might think keeping our Bay (namely the Chesapeake) Orderly, must be a meaningful, cool thing to do in this lifetime. Hmmm... not Uncle Sam's definition. As I understand it, a Bay Orderly is not THE most sought-after postion in the military. As a mom, I feel I did an adequate job of supporting my son, while he cleaned dorms...telling him that at least he has learned what he does not want to do in the USAF. Simply giving him an "Oh Well...." what more is there to say? Somebody has to do these jobs...it appears John's number came up in that crazy lottery wheel. The good news...this week he is back to his job.
I spoke with him on Saturday... he somehow avoided a speeding ticket (of course he tried to blame the *lead-foot* gene on me...I immediately blamed my dad!)
The super-great news is that I will visit my son this weekend!!!!! Yep, I am headed for Wright-Patt. My cousins are hosting a surprise birthday party for my uncle...it just so happens to be in the state of Ohio! What is a mere four hour drive? An afternoon strolling through WPAFB, visiting the AF Museum and dinner with my son...looks like the recipe for a good weekend!
It's a wacky couple of weeks, but life is normally most fun when it is most off the wall... After returning home on Monday... Tuesday evening, my daughter (aka the mother-to-be of my third grand-baby) and my son-in-law(the father-to-be of my third grand-baby) will spend the night, so that they can catch an early morning flight to visit my first Airman in Salt Lake City! Hmmm...how I wish I could go back to SLC...I miss my oldest son more than words can ever describe! While the mother and father-to-be of my new grandbaby-to-be (for the record, I'm guessing the baby is a she)are having a blast in Salt Lake City, I'll be Grand-Dog-Sitting for almost a week.
Oh my, It sounds as though I am a writer for a soap-opera called "As The AirmanMom Rolls". :0
Life is good!
John, I do love you so!!!
I have been to Wright Patt, twice. I was there in January for just a couple of nights when Shay was first reporting and then I went again in April because I needed some "skin time". It is one thing to talk on the phone every day but a totally different thing to actually get to touch. We went to a dinner theater in Dayton. It was a great experience.
Are you staying overnight at the Lodge? Pretty nice rooms. If you are not eligible for a reservation (military or former military) then John should be able to get you a room. The number is 937-257-3451. It is right across the street from the hospital so when I stay Shay is able to walk to work in the morning.
Lat time I was there I also made arrangements to meet Air Force Dad Ron and his wife. We had a little lunch at the BX and talked for an hour.
Have fun!
have a wonderful time at Wright Pat, we live 4 hours from Hill and the jets fly over our house several times a week....
you never know what the AIr Force is going to do... stay buckled tight, it can be a bumpy ride!
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