As I prepared the "Wednesday Hero' post for tomorrow, I read that PFC. Blohm died of wounds suffered when an IED detonated near his unit.
My mind immediately drifts to Zachary, who is hopefully out of an Afghanistan hospital by now. Zachary was injured on Saturday, when I an IED hit him causing a concussion and minor lacerations.
So I ask, what the hell is an IED? I learned an IED can be almost anything with any type of material and initiator. It is a “homemade” device that is designed to cause death or injury by using explosives alone or in combination with toxic chemicals, biological toxins, or radiological material. IEDs can be produced in varying sizes, functioning methods, containers, and delivery methods. IEDs can utilize commercial or military explosives, homemade explosives, or military ordnance and ordnance components.
They are unique in nature because the IED builder has had to improvise with the materials at hand. Designed to defeat a specific target or type of target, they generally become more difficult to detect and protect against as they become more sophisticated.
IED's have been used in conflicts, going back to VietNam. IEDs are the top killer of U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Since the war began, 589 U.S. service members have been killed there, 434 of them in combat. More than 2,700 have been wounded in action, according to the Pentagon.
I also learned from a USA Today article, there is a 146% increase in soldiers who had been wounded; over this time last year. For whatever reason; Spring seems to spike IED activity.
Think for a moment, of our Soldiers returning home. They have witnessed brothers wounded or killed by these little monsters. Our Soldiers have been on the lookout constantly for anything that may resemble an IED; hidden in animal carcasses or right out in the middle of the road. Imagine, if you will....living in such a world and then coming home!
How horrifying!
Damn IED's!
this is how a lot of Viet Nam Vets came home.My brother in law Allan is one such person."mike you would not believe what I saw over there" I know I said.We all have our crosses to bear.
mike...thank you for your words. You are correct, there are so many crosses to bear...I just felt sad!
Those combat veterans are coming home after seeing more than an IED explosion. The many ways to die, the stress of living in a war zone, etc. is ingrained in their memories for the rest of their lives - thus PTS. I believe this is one area the US lets our men down. There is no debriefing, mandatory psychotically help or any way for the guys and gals to download and come to grips with the things they have seen and done. Everyone who goes into the service is changed, for the better in most respects, but the ones who go into combat are changed in ways we will never understand.
coffeypot...thank you so very much for your words!
It is a part of any war, and there is no changing that. There is a profound impact on our young men comming home today, just as it was for our VietNam vets, Korean and all wars. Support form famley and friends is very imprtant, but at least today in the modern military and with the people of America behind them they stand a very good chance of turning out almost normal, not so for all.
Another tragedy.
I hope the iraqi people wisen up and get these terrorist bomb makers out of their neighborhoods.
So sorry to hear that. Prayers going out to Zach.
Prayers that they all come home soon.
God Bless our troops/
grandpa...yes, war is ugly. The post is a reminder of how so many are affected in so many ways...for so many generations. We must never forget!
hammer...I thank you for stopping by!
It's not fair fighting. Period. I cannot even fathom the jitteryness of coming home after this. A car backfires and I jump!
Great post!!
debbie...it's all about taking the time to stop and think of our soldiers!
yup, damn things.
mm...thanks for stopping by!
mudpuppy...truly they are a suck, best not to embrace!
It's always good to read your words and know you are doing ok. Please know your VirtualMom is constantly praying for you and your comrades.
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