Members of Montgomery County Chapter 641 of the Vietnam Veterans of America join with the Montgomery County Army Air Corps for a moment of silence after cleaning the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Saturday. The group has been scrubbing the wall once a month from April to October for 15 years to honor those who died in the war.
Please read the entire story HERE
Jen Beasley/The Gazette
Bravo for posting this. Our veterans never get the recognition for their services to the community. They do so quietly and with love and respect, but most of all without fanfare. It’s almost personal between the men and women. They understand! My American Legion Post takes care of a newly dedicated Memorial Cemetery by helping the groundskeepers and by placing small American Flags on the veterans’ graves. No newspapers or television teams. Just a few old men showing their appreciation and respect. Thank you for doing the same.
I was thankful to read they were just cleaning smudges and not graffiti.
I still think of Vietnam vets as young guys although they are almost all in their 60's these days.
coffeypot...thank you for your words! I am in total agreement with you, our Veterans do this for each other...not the fanfare. I am so very grateful for the work your Legion does as well. To think across our nation, are countless men and women who will forever serve... How blessed we are!!!
hammer..I, too think of VietNam Veterans as boys...I remember as a child my favorite babysitter went off to VietNam, he never came home. I was only 6 years old, but will remember Davis always.
Those who came home from VietNam deserve so much thanks and respect.
Hey, we are still young guys (at heart), but it is good that the Vietnam Vet is still rmembered. Our war was a long time ago, but it seems only like yesterday. I have several friends here in Houston who have sons in Afganistan, and and I communicate with one of them and send little things over once in a while, and it is appteciated. Even getting an email is a lot of help to these young guys, and I will do all I can do to support them.
grandpa...please know that nothing but warm appreciation for your service is intended!!!! Each and every VietNam Veteran holds a special place in my heart. And yes, now their sons and daughters are serving our country...and so it goes.
AirmanMom, you should go to my site and click on castra prateoria - 1st Sgt Mike. He is a 1st Sgt in the Marines and has just deployed on his third tour in Iraq. He has the ego on any Top Sgt in the Marines, but he is also an writer and very funny. You might appreciate hearing from and about him and his exploits. Since you don’t have enough to read already.
thank you for this great post.
I was an old soldier in vietnam, around 30, the average age on the wall is about 21, forever young. I never considered how the wall was kept so beautiful. I have visited the Wall three times, such a moving experience, I cry like an old softie maybe because I am.
I tip my hat to the folks that give their labor to care for this memorial.
sarge...once again, I do thank you for your service. It is amazing to think of so many little things which happen, such as the upkeep of this incredible memorial.
mike...I thank you for taking the time to read this post!
coffeypot...I'll be right over! There is no such thing as too many words, regarding our servicemen and women!
mm...thank you! It is a story which has to be shared!
That's what I love about you Airman Mom........I love how you always post what should be front page news every single day and somehow get's relegated to some obscure back pages.
I'm listening to America the Beautiful right now as I type this and could't be prouder of our servicemen and women who give so much to protect our liberties :)
You put it out there lady and I love ya for it!!!!!!!!!
Steady On Airman Mom....
Steady On
Reggie Girl
rg...Your kind words are deeply appreciated. The purpose of this blog is awareness of our military. I was asked too many times, "How can you let your son enlist, when you already have a son in the military". Some people simply don't get it. For those of us who do get it, who do care...I choose to share what I learn.
I thank you for caring!
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