WASHINGTON, April 29, 2009 – Country music megastar Toby Keith has performed for rowdy, appreciative troops more than 130 times over seven straight years. But during this year’s “America’s Toughest Tour,” he said, “The boys and girls were rockin' and laughin' like never before.”
Keith set out on his latest tour, sponsored by the USO and Armed Forces Entertainment, from Andrews Air Force Base, Md., April 21. His goals: meet as many troops and perform at as many remote bases as possible. The “FOB-hopping” trip took the performers to within six miles of the Pakistan border.
As he sat aboard an Air Force C-17 preparing for departure from Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, Keith took time to write a message for American Forces Press Service and the USO to share with servicemembers around the world.
Written in blog style, Keith’s message starts out with a tally of the hectic schedule of shows at forward operating bases and combat outposts in Afghanistan, reveals he’s written a new military-themed song, and shares his impressions of the tour:
“5 Days: 15 shows completed in Afghanistan -- 13 FOBs/2 COPs. The boys and girls were rockin' and laughin' like never before. This being my 7th year and 130+ shows, I've never seen them as energetic. That being said, The danger factor was at an all time high.
“Not since my early trips to Iraq have we been escorted in by gunships as often as we were on this visit. Thank you Cobra's and Apache's. Thanks to all our bird teams for the rides.
“I also wrote a new military song for this visit. It's called "The Ballad of Balad." Funny song about an Army recruiter. It made hard core crusted jaded FOB Sgt. Majors laugh out loud. I love it.
“I have tons of info to report back back home to the press. And as always, it's all good here. The U.S. military and their commanders are in complete control like always. 'Nuff said!
“I will close for now as this damn C-17 is shaking my penmanship somethin' fierce as we're leavin' Bagram.
“Mission accomplished Team USO – USA.”
Visitors to DefenseLINK, the Defense Department’s official Web site, can get more of the inside story from the tour. In a daily blog, Amy K. Mitchell, USO’s vice president for publications, chronicles the tour’s sights and sounds in a DefenseLINK Special Report.
American Forces Press Service
gotta love Toby Keith!!! thanks for that post.
love toby keith!!!
I know how important people like Toby are, I saw Bob Hope in Vietnam. The USO is a wonderful organization.
I"m not a Toby Keith fan, but this was a great story to read...
It's wonderful that Toby Keith gives of his time to entertain our troops. I'm sure they all loved him and that he enjoyed performing for them and having some fun.
For years entertainers have supported our troops. 5 stars out of five for Toby and 10 stars out of five for our troops.
Toby is Tops! He is my #1 country entertainer and I am so glad he does his stuff for the troops. He, too, is a hero much in the same way Bob Hope was. OOORAH Toby!!
You will not see the likes of Jeneane Garofalo and Alex Baldwin over there - unless it is to visit the Taliban.
It is wonderful that people like Toby and Trace take the time to do this.
Thanks for sharing,
Tony is one of several who really support our military folks. Glad they are continuing the Bob Hope style of support for our USO. Hat Tip to him and his boys.
mm...I am so grateful he does what he does... for our troops!
llwhiskey...so glad you stopped by!!!
sarge...USO is an outstanding organization. I'm certain it was an honor for Bob Hope to be in your presence! I know how I feel in the presence of any one of our soldiers!!!!
julie...thank you for taking the time to read of Toby's good deed!
mary...I L-O-V-E your rating system!!! It works for me! Thank you!
coffeypot...it is so refreshing to hear of a 'celebrity' giving of their time and resources. Toby is out their sharing his gift, for those who give him the freedom to write and sing! Whether you like his music or not, Toby deserves our respect for his good deeds!
aam...the USO deserves a lot of thanks for not allowing this form of relief for our troops end!
grandpa...I thank you for stopping by and leaving your words!
I don't know who Toby is, but thanks to him for what he is doing.
What an awesome blog! Thank you for this. Very informative. Bless you!!!!
writermom...Thank you for your kind words. I look forward to visiting your blog!
patty...thank you for stopping by. Toby Keith is a country artist who has been active with the USO for several years...we are grateful for his time with our troops!
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