The sun was shining and the temperatures were in the mid 70's.
I have THE best job in the world! I'm the Store Operations Manager for a Garden Center. I work with a dynamite team; we are always learning, always having fun. Needless to say, a Saturday in April with picture perfect weather equals a busy day! Love it!
A family came into the shop this afternoon; mom and dad, a younger son and a teenage son wearing a NAVY tee shirt. I asked the young man if he had intentions of enlisting. Mom told me her oldest son is currently serving in the US Navy. She went on to share that her son just returned home from being deployed. The quiet teen, chimed in that they did not know where he was, during the deployment. I told them I understood, since both of my sons are Airmen. We continued to chat about our sons for a few moments.
As the family left, this Blue Star Mom and I squeezed each other's hand tight and she whispered, "I know".

To all the Blue Star Families...I thank you for the service of your loved ones.
To all the Blue Star Families...I thank you for the love and support you give our military.
To all the Blue Star Families...I know.
I believe that serving in the military is much worse on the family than it is on the one serving. The soldier, sailor or airman are living the experience, but the family can only imagine what is going on. Moms want to hug and protect their kids and husbands, but they can’t. All they have is biased media coverage, letters from the family member serving, or their own imaginations - which can really get out of hand sometimes. I salute you and the other families who have loved ones serving and pray for you to have the faith and strength to endure this period. I know, too.
What a lovely chance meeting!
from my own experience I can assure you that the coffee pot is correct, for the soldier, it is just a job which he is well trained to do, for the wife/mother/children it is another world.
This is truly a great post, so real..
On this lovely Sunday morning, a day set aside to give thanks, I'd like to thank all the military families for their unselfish sacrifice. God Bless!
coffeypot...your kind words are greatly appreciated. My unconditional love for my sons, make being a Blue Star mom easier. My faith in God, makes the job easier. I thank you again!!!
amanda...truly, it was one of those very special moments in life!
sarge...once again, I must thank YOU for your service! Please pass along my thanks to your family as well!
I call those God moments in life..... What a blessing........
God bless and keep our troops from harm........ give is peace in the world and bring them home.....
Denise...'God moments' is a perfect description! Thank you!
Thanks for the kudos, Airman Mom.
We just returned from seeing hubby. It was a good trip, but knowing we only had a week made it --well, kind of sad. But we are looking forward to being a family under one roof once again in a year or so.
kanani...I thank YOU for your service!
I know. And Thank you, B, John and the rest of your family.
aam...I thank you and Christopher!
there is something special about being a mom to a soldier. Some unspoken understanding from mere strangers when you talk about your children who are serving.
I miss it...
Hugs and admiration to all blue star moms everywhere, thank you for your children and their service!
Wow! I got teary eyed reading your posts.
I have to say, first and foremost, I admire you. You have grace, strength & courage, to know the things your children face & be able to remain strong for them when they need you.
There is a patriotic feeling & pride we have knowing someone we love, faces danger so we might be safe.
Thank you, for your sons who are fighting for the freedoms, your family will be in my prayers.
AFWife...Please pass along my deep gratitude to your husband and know that you are in my prayers!
tonjia...your kind words are deeply appreciated.
Yes, we all "know" don't we.
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