1 a: a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b: an illustrious warrior c: a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d: one that shows great courage
What is your definition of HERO? Who is your HERO?

My hero is my Dad....Purple Heart Korean War Vet. A Hero to me does the right thing.........without ever considering any other option!!
Airman Mom, I'm so excited that you are going to join us for Frday Shoot-Out's. I can't wait to see your snapshot's.
Take good care, thanks for another thought provoking post and......
Steady On
Reggie Girl
I have two heroes:
My father who signed up as a young man with the Canadian military knowing full well it meant he was going to war during WWII.
My Honey, who is a volunteer firefighter in a small community and their training officer.
man what a question, i have lots of heros, I will pick one from my youth that I would have loved to serve with, Gen George Patton, a soldier first and always. Arlington is full of heros, so many
My hero is the unknown 19 year old boy that gave his heart to my Dad. In life, he made sure that his family knew that in death, he wanted to be an organ donor.
He will always be my hero.
Certainly our men and women in uniform who give selflessly of themselves every day.
And having watched my best friend suffer with and eventually die from cancer....those brave souls who face their mortality with humor, compassion and grace.
I am honored to have known someone from BOTH those catagories. :)
My definition of a hero is anyone who is willing to lay down his life for a friend or stranger. That would include those in the military, as well as those who stop to help someone in need.
If I had to chose a military hero, it would be my Uncle Bill, who landed on the beach at Dieppe and held his best friend as he passed.
There are so many heroes. I especially pay tribute to the Unsung Heroes who work everyday to make the world a better place.
Thank you for your kind comments on my Ode to Aunt May.
Without a doubt the guys and gals serving in the military today and my son-in-law who is an ex Navy and Army vet who is a cop now in a small Georgia town.
I came by from trukindog's place. I'm glad I did.
Last weekend our middle son was telling his aunt that Chuck Norris was his hero and that our 11 yr olds hero was Mr. T
When she asked both of them who Chris' hero was, Devin the 11 yr old piped up and said: Chris doesn't need a hero, he is one.
Yes our Soldier is our hero along with every other past and present Service member.
God Bless,
I hope a hero doesn't just have to be "a MAN admired for HIS achievements". There are so many women in my life that I consider heroes.
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