Staff Sgt. Bryan E. Hall, 32, of Elk Grove, California. He loved camping, fishing and hunting and was very proud of serving his country. As a 14 year veteran of the Army, he was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, based at Fort Carson, Colorado. He deployed to Iraq in September 2008. He was one of 5 soldiers who died April 10th when their military vehicle was struck by a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device in Mosul, Iraq. Bryan had earned the Army Commendation medal three times, eight Army Achievement medals, Combat Infantryman's Badge, Air Assault Badge and was currently working on courses to achieve the Army Ranger title. He is survived by his wife, Rachel and their daughter, Addison; his parents, John and Betty and a sister, Kristi.

The other soldier's killed along with Bryan were: Corp. Jason Pautsch, SSgt. Gary L. Woods, Sgt Edward W. Forrest and PV2 Bryce E. Gautier.
May Almighty God Bless these heroes and the families who love them so.
May they Rest in Peace....
coffeypot...nothing more to say!
may God bless and keep their families......
Thank you for always lifting these soldiers up!!You inspire me soooo very much.....
I left some pictures on my blog just for you today Airman Mom.
Steady on wonderful lady....
Reggie Girl
What a beautiful family! He will always be an American hero. May he rest in peace & his family find strength in their time of need.
God Bless this Hero and his family.
In the words of one of my hero's, Gen George Patton, "do not morn the death of these fine young men, thank god that such men lived."
Our debt to this family is more than can ever be repaid.......
Amen to the message from Sarge Charlie. A Canadian female soldier was killed last week. God bless all of these heroes and their families. I pray for our men and women in uniform.
Thank you, Airman Mom, for all you are doing to promote awareness of those who protect us.
Stories like this give me a lump in my throat. He died for us and our freedoms. God bless him and his ultimate sacrifice. And may God comfort his grieving family.
vodkamom...thank you for stopping by to read of this hero!
rg...your warm words are always deeply appreciated. I'll be stopping by your blog shortly!
afwife...so young, so beautiful, so dedicated to our nation.
aam...I do thank you for stopping by!
sarge...I have read Gen. Patton's words which you quoted many times, each time it stirs my heart. His words are a perfect tribute for our soldiers, I thank you for reminding me of these words once again.
mary...please know your Canadian heroes have a very special place in my heart. I thank you for bringing them to my attention! Your visits are always so very special, thank you!
Oh, God.
Health informationHumor & Fun World
Thanks for visiting my blog. Congrats to Staff Sgt. Bryan E. Hall!
My husband was a USMC doorgunner in Vietnam/Purple Heart. He was part of the "In The Shadow of The Blade Documentary." If you get the Military Channel, it comes around frequently.
My husband is also a folk artist. He does a lot of Vietnam War paintings, and three of the icons that he paints in all of his work (even his non-Vietnam paintings) are painted on the Huey used in the documentary.
The Huey, that we lovingly call 091 (for her tail number)is at the Price of Freedom Exhibit in the Museum of American History on the National Mall.
If you are ever in D.C. go visit her. She is beautiful. And the exhibit covers all of wars, and is a wonderful tribute to all our men and women in uniform.
Tell Staff Sgt. Bryan E. Hall that my husband sends him a personal, "Thank you."
skywind...thank you for stopping by.
patty...a very special thank you to you and your husband for your service to our country!
Ditto on the Amen.
fl...thank you so much for taking the time to read of one more hero! Love your blog!
Bless them all.
grandpa...thank you!
My thoughts are with his (and their) families and friends.
More of their very solemn final trip home can be seen here: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/04/documenting_the_return_of_us_w.html
lola...thank you for sharing this link!!!
We have got to get our soliders home. I know that we are fighting for what is right, (I love your song that is playing). But I also want to get our people home. I am thankful my nephew is home, but there are so many more and it seems so unfair. Why do some get to come home whole and safe, when others don't? I know, I know, life is not fair....but I so badly want them to come home and for us to have some peace in our lives. My heart is just so heavy for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We will just have to keep praying and trust that God is in control. Easier said than done! Thank you for what YOU do!
megryansmom...thank you!
lisa...each and every soldier deserves our prayers, our support and our love. If you ever have the opportunity to welcome them home at an airport, it makes a difference. It matters so much to them, and believe me it will touch your heart in a manner you have never known.
I thank you for your words!!!
they are never "home". Even in peace time they are out and about around the world in difficult and dangerous places doing difficult and dangerous things. That is Military Life.
God bless this family and thanks to them for their service and sacrifice for our country!
mm...I thank you for your words!
I wrote this poem with this mother's gold star in mind. I appreciate your son's service to our country, especially his sacrifice. I am an Army veteran (72-81) and I am always moved by seeing the gold stars as well as the blue ones.
I looked up at a house one day, and I saw a small red flag.
I asked a kid what it was for, he said, “It’s probbly just some rag.”
But that answer didn’t sound right and I knew just what to do,
I’d go ask the old man down the road because he always knew.
So I asked the old man down the road, “What are those small flags for?”
And he said that mothers hung the flags when their child was off to war.
And if the star inside the flag is blue then all is well,
But if the star was changed to gold, the mother’s soldier fell.
The old man’s eyes teared up just then, as he explained to me,
That the soldier gave his life in war so others could be free.
So now I knew what those flags meant, and what the stars were for.
And I knew that golden star meant that they’d see their son no more.
I went to the house and rang the bell, so I could them what I now know,
And the mother hugged me real hard, like she’d never let me go.
We sat and cried together, and when I got up to leave from there,
I said, “Your soldier was a hero, and other people really care.”
So I want to join the Army, when I see those stars of gold,
But the sergeants say, “Son we’d let you serve, but you’re only eight years old.”
God Bless
daddio...Oh my goodness! Your words are absolutely beautiful! I thank you!
I am wondering if I will ever get through a blog without tears. I pray that our Heavenly Father be with Staff Sgt. Hall's beautiful family and those of the other that fell that day with him.
proudbigsis...these are real stories of real heroes! Thank you for stopping by!
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