I know, I know...I'm a bit late with today's post...Normally, if I know I am going to have a busy day, I will post the night before...but I must admit I got caught up watching "Gone With The Wind" (for the 83rd time in my life) last night.
So....here is my Positive Day Post.
I was on the road super early to meet my son-in-law and pick up my youngest grandgirl this morning. My daughter and I have not been able to sync our schedules much, so this was a very special treat! By the time we arrived at the house, my daughter was home from work. I've mentioned before she is an OB nurse and she works the 7pm to 7am shift. It was so nice to hang out with these two girls, can you believe the baby is 6 months old already? How blessed I am to have such a beautiful daughter who has grown to be a wonderful mom!
Tomorrow will be a fun day with my oldest two grandgirls. J & K will be attending a wedding and then have a Church activity later in the afternoon. Last time I tucked the girls into bed; the oldest, Precious told me she really missed her mommy. I told her I understood, because when I was a little girl...I missed my mommy. And then I grew up and I had a little girl who really missed me when I had to go out for a while. I asked her if she knew who my girl was and of course she knew it was her mommy. I went on to tell Precious, that my little girl grew up and had her own little girl, who now misses her mommy.... and then I went on to let her know that one day she will grow up and have a little girl who will miss her when she must go out for a while. A smile came across her face, I could see it all processing...then she said to me, "Nana, I got boogs." I love my grandgirls so.
Next month (mid-August) my oldest son is coming home for a long weekend and attend his 10 year high school reunion. It is quite possible that all four of my children will be under one roof for a couple of hours! How cool is this? VERY COOL, if you are the mom of these four awesome adults!!!!
Hubster and I are working out our final details for our "Bucket List Vacation". In case you have missed my many posts talking about baseball...let me say this: I. Love. Baseball. My bucket list consists of visiting every AL stadium in the United States. So here is our plan...first stop is to watch the Pittsburgh Pirates take on the Washington Nationals! Then it is off to Cincinnati to watch the Reds take on the Cubs (yep, NL teams). We will then spend some time at Wright-Patt to visit a certain Airman! Detroit is our next stop to watch the O's stomp all over the Tigers!!!! We'll follow the O's to Toronto and watch the O's win yet another game! On our way home, we'll make a stop at Niagra Falls! How blessed I am to be married to my best friend, a guy who will drive 1500 miles in a week so that his bride can visit baseball stadiums!
I am extremely blessed with a loving family, a nice home, a job I totally enjoy, friends who make me laugh and a blogosphere of wonderful writers and readers.
God is good!
God is good! Great positive post!
You are blessed and God is good! :) Great post!
awww, mom---you are gushing!! Totally understandable though...;p My husband would drive 1500 miles in a day, if possible, to see a baseball game...he's that obsessed. Your BList sounds fantastic..;p
Great posting.I love it,and yes Mari GOD IS GOOD!
mari...thank you!
afwing...I do appreciate your visit!
jojo...so good to hear of another baseball lover! thanks for stopping by!
mike...you were my inspiration today, thank you!
Your bucket list sounds like one that will give you many precious memories.
When you get to Cincinnati for the game w/New York Mets, give me a holler... I'm real close.
I just got home, I loved this idea when I saw it, I don't know if you are a regular at dust bunny hostage, our source for this post, she is a nce lady.
I did a series of post from the ship about "flat Jeter" check them out it was a lot of fun.
How fantastic! Now, that's my kinda girl :)
Have a blast, take lot's of pictures for us!
ok, what are boogs??
I gotta know.
have a great time driving all over creation there.
I'd love to come with you...just for the road trip. Goodness I miss those.
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