John News: Lots has been going on in his world at Wright-Patt. John purchased a 2008 Ford Fusion! Hooray! Nice looking car-dependable and affordable! The car is perfect for a nineteen year old Airman. Ahhh… but when you have sunshine, expect some rain to fall. As John was driving himself to the ER (details to follow) he jumped a curb and kinda sorta messed up a tire. OUCH! Nobody was hurt during this fiasco, but John’s wallet will feel a pinch. Needless to say, my son was not pleased. The purpose of the trip to the ER is John broke his foot on Tuesday, while running a 15K (9.44 miles) in 1hour 22minutes 49seconds. He suffers a stress fracture, which is quite painful. This broken foot has him on crutches for the first time in his life, fortunately no cast-simply a boot. Both of my sons were Cross Country runners in High School. My oldest Airman did extremely well, actually ran in the State Championship a couple of years! B suffered a popped abdominal muscle during one State race-I knew right away he was injured as he passed by, but he went on to somehow finished the race! That is my son-AWESOME! John knew quite a few injuries during his Cross Country days. He always gave it his all; I’ve attached one of his pictures. I see pain all over my son's face!

Today is Halloween. As an empty-nester it’s not quite the same. I do miss the days of watching my kids in the parade on the Elementary School blacktop! The classes would all line up and march; showing off their creative, cute and silly costumes. The teachers would dress up as well…you could always rely on Mr. Harris the music teacher to amaze the crowds with some outlandish costume! Good memories. We’ll dole out some candy tonight…ooohing and ahhhing over our miniature visitors. Fortunately for Luke (our Mutt) I am not one to dress up dogs, even on Halloween (when I could get away with it!) P.S. I know this picture of my kids was taken at Christmas, but it is so darn cute of the four of them in *costume*.

This weekend is expected to be absolutely gorgeous! There is a half-cord of firewood in our driveway, which will be stacked on Saturday by me and Hubster. Hopefully, we can finish up early enough to take a walk on the C & O Canal. I’ve been craving Carrot Cake, so most likely one will be baked on Sunday. It will be a good thing when my grandgirl is born in January; these cravings have got to stop! I’ll most likely visit Lewis Markets for some apples, they are so yummy! As busy as the weekend will be, our brave Airman, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines will not be far from my thoughts. Truly, it is because of them I am free to vote, free to go about my daily routine.

May Almighty God Bless us all!